
Home - The main site.


Cage - Housing your parakeet


Biting - Tips to stop parakeet biting.
. Diet - Feeding your parakeet
. Selecting a Budgie - Choose a healthy budgie.
. Setting Rules - Basic rules every parakeet should know.
. Sexing - Ways to sex your budgie.
. Socializing - Help your parakeet better adapt to humans.
. Taming - Tips to help tame your parakeet.
. Links - Other parrot sites.


Budgie Links

Parrot Sites
  • NITA's Nest -- Anita Golden has created a site dedicated to all of her birds. Her site gives helpful information for bird enthusiasts, including budgies, and has wonderful photos.

Budgie Breeders

  • International Partnership: B�hler and Pearce -- A fantastic site dedicated to breeding budgies for shows; put together by Marcel B�hler. The site has many mutations as well as information about breeding and caring for budgies.
  • Joe Lastella -- Joe has been breeding budgies since 1975 and has a very nicely designed site filled with articles and photos about budgies.

Budgie Software